
Friday, December 30, 2011

Penance of Pregnant Kaushalya 9 : Divya Ram Katha Part 42

Mother Arundhati said, "Prabu! This moon is giving light with which face?" He replied, "Devi! This moon makes the nectar, and giving the nectar to the earth, one takes it, thinks where it has the relation? This question is very thoughtful. Devi! Moon is giving light which meets the oceans. Water is uplifted from the oceans. Water is being made nectar. This nectar moves to farming. That one nectar See the baby like us when exists in mother's womb, moves there. O Devi! This moon making oblation material netar, after converting to the sound of 'Swaaha' and sound if comes to the door of human being by which his life nourishes." Rishi says, "Devi!You have known it. Devi! 'Aagatyam Brahmaah' Suppose this moon has the contact with night. What is the decoration of night? Decoration of night is darkness. The moon takes away the darkness with him. And that one is the moon who has the contact with nectar. The relation, from where he takes the help for it? He takes from the sun. And the sun is important, warming this moon with its rays. Giving it light. But because of coldness, this light is cold. Aha god! To explain your grandeur, I came here to recite. O God! You are infinite. Your creation is the most peculiar 'Vichitram Brahmah' very great." See Rishi said Devi like it, "O Devi! you have known nectar Moon is attached to Sun. Sun is attached to Aditi, Aditi is attached to Aditya and relation of Aditya is with Aditis which is called Mahatatva (grand element). O Devi! what a peculiar penance it is! It can not be called as Aditi. Of aditi suppose in the form of grand element, of aditi 'Rupaam Brahmeh' and the form of Aditi is attached to Gandharvas. And the solar system leads Gandharvas. Children a lot of genius (pratibha) is considered in solar system. Children! That genius is moving, commanding in greatness. Thought arises Children! Rishi explained and cleared glands of different types. And with explanation calling ownness himself. Rishi recited Vedic verses and said, "O Devi! See by taking help of one another this world is looked threaded to one another."

To be continued....


Anubhav Sharma

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Penance of Pregnant Kaushalya 8 : Divya Ram Katha Part 41

Maharishi Vashishtha Muni Maharaj and Mother Arundhati were doing this peculiar discussion. That one house is holy where husband and wife after children! They use to look at nature at night, use to look at the world of the god. As the discussions of Mother Arundhati and Vashishtha Muni Maharaj are being remembered to me. Their scope, their wisdom are being remembered. King Dashrath sat their silently. But Mata Arundhati said, "Prabhu Thanks. You have enlightened my life that is a great light. Bhagwan!" Maharaj Vashsishtha said to Mata Arundhati, "This world is not so full of happiness, this world of god is infinite. I will not be able to measure it." Mata Arundhati said, "Prabhu! You can not measure but what you described me is very peculiar. O Prabhu! I am obliged to you." He said, "No, This world of god is infinite. No one can be obliged of anyone. Nothing is happiness of anyone. This knowledge and science of god is always new. To which atom today found out in Treta Yug, can be found out in Kalyug and which is found out in Kalyug can be found out in Satyug too. Because knowledge and science of god is always use to be new. Oldness never enters to it." After this pronunciation Mata Arundhati became silent.

To be continued....

Anubhav Sharma

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Penance of Pregnant Kaushalya 7 : Divya Ram Katha Part 40

Which sound is being produced in brain , as a wave of different planets overflowing with another, another waves such as waves of moon, overflow with sun, those suppose 'Amritaam Brahmane Vrittah' they enter to different starts/planets. By overflowing with each other this universe becomes voice acceptor. It is echoed. Similarly the great hermits, great Rishis who want to know the system of grammar in vowel-voices in it, 'Sambhavah Pravahah Brahm' are echoed itself. And how are they echoed? They get the 'Anhat' (Sound of continuity), the gamut accepted. My dears! See the subject of sense/working organs, enters to mind. The subject of mind enters to vital air (praan). Subject of praanaas, being concentrated with mind and praan together, a sound is produced. Before it a sound is produced which is called 'Anhat'. By its sound, formulas/rules are made. This one dance is there. As o sages! Sati told maharaja Shiv "Maharaj 'Amritam' Tandav dance must be performed." It is called for Shiv that he is performing Tandav-dance. Children! he conflict of Param Pita Parmaatma (God), the nature of god, that one is the dance with the gamut. After the Tandav, from it the tune who is accepting , By that the alphabets were made, and the way of pronunciation are made. After this construction, in the uterus of Vedas, which one is present it changes to compulsation. After being in compulsation, starts producing sound of its qualities. In childhood, I used to study this in the Gurukuls.

To be continued....

Anubhav Sharma

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Penance of Pregnant Kaushalya 6 : Divya Ram Katha Part 39

She said, "Prabhu! What this sage can do?" He replied, "O Devi! One who is holy in penance of behavior, this planet of him, this earth he wins. As his nature becomes great in mind-speech and actions. He uses to be clean with his mind. And as he uses to be holy, clean with mind-actions, what he fancies 'Manam Brahme' from mind, who uses to be fancy these worldly pleasure, subjects, he uses to do conversation with wises. Makes himself polite and after being polite, suppose this earth, he wins. Becomes a driver. And the waves (streams) which mind-speech-action make holy, when they awakes, he uses to know well inner reactions of the world. And after knowing it O Children! makes the ring of planets and he becomes scientist. He uses to view science in every bit. Then it becomes his another 'Tapasyaam Brahve' and when knows soul,god and nature then he says, "Who am I?" He says "I am a soul." He says "This is god who is commanding me." And further he says, "In whose cart I am present, this nature formed cart, in which I exist, who is mastering me, giving me motion, that is god himself and being present in cosmos of nature I am travelling in different planets."

My dears! See Rishi Vashishtha told, "O Devi! In different types of waves, streams, the human being be busy, that one is present in the form of contuinity (anhat)." Vashsishtha Muni said, "Once O Devi! I went to the cottage of Brahma. Brahma Ji was doing penance. I said to him, "Prabhu! What are you doing this one?" He replied, "I am making the system of grammar." When Rishi said it 'I am constructing the system of grammar', then I asked, "Prabhu! How are you doing it?" Then see the gamut (music) of solitary (Ekaant) praan (Vital air) is there, which gamut of praan in apaan, gamut of apaan in samaan, gamut of samaan in Udaan, and the gamut enters to Vyaan. Then there starts the sound Rishi-Munis say the sound of 'Anhat'.

To be continued....

Anubhav Sharma

Friday, December 23, 2011

Penance of Pregnant Kaushalya 5 : DRK Part 38

Dashrath in the Ashram of Rishi Vashishtha

At the time of evening he depart for the Ashram and while reached to the Ashram of Mahaatma Vashishtha, it became night there. Mata Arundhati and  Vashishtha Muni Maharaj were making discussion. They would talk about sages. See those husband-wives become great who when night spreads, moon becomes full of all faces or from the day of first face (paratipadaa) 'Madhyam Bravhe', when in the evening when they stay, they should talk about great persons that 'that one sage is what a great! and we are too much low.' See we should talk about our own description. 

Mata Arundhati and Maharaj Vashishtha see they sat in a solitary place and they made a conversation. On eighth day see 'Ashtam Brahve' that time see that one day was of ashtmi (eighth day of Hindi Month). On the day of ashtmi they started conversing then. She told, "Prabhu! This moon of half shape. How it is giving light. No other is there in comparison to it." Mahaatma Vashishtha said, " O Arundhati! This one moon which is giving light itself, if thousands of moons gives light with one another then our penance will be more enlighted then that light and that light may be called negligible." He said, "Tapaam Brahmane Devaam." Mother Arundhati said, "Prabhu! What is penance? For what you are talking about? Please give me its decision." He said, "Devi! penance is that one when mind-speech-action all are same as custom means it becomes the penance of his behavior. Further to know the forms of soul, supreme power and nature, it becomes the metal contemplation, metal penance and O Devi! When soul starts talking to god it is self penance. See it's name is penance."

To be continued....

Anubhav Sharma

Penance of Pregnant Kaushalya 4 : DRK Part 37

She said, "Prabhu! But I am determined and determination is holy even. Because you are a king because of your determination and Prabhu! You are being uplifted in the system of nation. So this whole universe, this whole is 'Jagat Sankalpam Bravheh' this is called because of determination (sankalp). O Prabhu! See the performer of Yajna (Yajmaan) is present in the place of Yajna, then he takes the determination of performing Yajna. He says to his wife, 'O Devi! Come. We determine that we shall become performer of Yag.' So suppose they determine. 'Yagaam Pravhe'. They declare their 'day routine'. So they are deterministic. When husband and wife married, this is also determination. And because of determination our life starts and our life ends. Then what is that? Only determination. Bhagwan! My 'Amritaam Sankalp Drishyaa.'

Dashrath said, "O Devi! I can not defeat your explanation by an explanation. Suppose I do request to take the food." Devi exclaimed, "Prabhu! I will not take the food because I have given honorarium to Acharyaas in Yag. And honorarium is attached with heart and given by heart." The king thought that "This is 'akritaa'. This devi shall not accept my statements. Today I shall move to the cottage of Mahaatma Vashishtha and Mother Arundhati. They both can feed her with the food."

Next: Dashrath in the Ashram of Rishi Vashishtha

Anubhav Sharma

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Penance of Pregnant Kaushalya 3 : DRK Part 36

And she says, "'Katmo SambhavahPrahve Katmoasi' O soul! From where you came? O soul! Who are you?" Suppose she takes the self introduction from the soul. Children! Mahaatma Shringi told this to her. After it she said, "Thanks Prabhu!" She practice it for fifteen days. The food she took with fruits and flowers. After fifteen days she returned to her palace.

Anxious Dashrath from resignation of national food:

When she came to home, after some time, it was known to the king that Kaushalya Ji was not taking food of the nation. See once the king went to Kaushalya's room and he said, "O Devi! I have heard it you are not taking national food." She replied, "Yes Prabhu! I am not taking." He asked, "Why are you not taking?" She replied, "The food of nation, it is mingled with Rajogun (feeling of prosperity and discipline) and Tamogun (feeling of birth and death and ignorance). Because national food is not holy. So I can not take it. My pujyapaad Gurudev to whom I have given the honorarium, for food, he had described me, that once Shringi Rishi reached to Maharaja Ashwapati with some of his Brahmcharis (celibacy observers) and he did not take the food of Maharaja Ashwapati. So O Prabhu! I too have this desire. I have a big desire that I do not want to take food of nation. Because I wish it, which baby is flourishing in my uterus, deities are protecting him. So O Prabhu! My self conscience says it that I must not get the food of nation." See the king, "Devi! This will become a great loss. Because not to take food of nation of a king, it is a misfortune of nation."

To be continued....

Anubhav Sharma

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Penance of Pregnant Kaushalya 2 : DRK Part 35

Pregnant Kaushalya in the Ashram of Shringi

When soul was present in the uterus of Kaushalya, baby like Ram was present then mother Kaushalya with her mind thought herself, "What should I do?". See there was a Rishi in Gotra Angiras. She reached there to his cottage. "Rishivar! You have performed my Putreshti Yag, now my uterus has got the baby entered what should I do now?" He said that ,"Move to the cottage of Maharishi Shringi and then ask this question from him. I do not know so much in this reference." She asked this question reaching the cottage of Maharishi, then he said, "O Divya! Which type of baby of your uterus you want to make? You eat the food of penance and resignation. Food of resignation and penance is that you cook the food by which thoughts, the food will be there of that one thoughts. Eat it after cooking. Juice of those foods will make the foetus/embryo of your uterus.

Mother Kaushalya said to Shringi, "O Prabhu! It's the third month of baby of my uterus. O Prabhu! Please say something to me, because my brain has been holy by that food. Prabhu! I want to know what should I do now?" He replied, "'Pranaam Kritam', this vital air of you, this 'Pran' you enter to 'Vyan' and enter 'Vyan' to 'Samaam' and while entering 'Samaan' to 'Udaan' you look the sub conscience (chitta mandals) (There are five types of life winds 'Pran', 'Apaan', 'Vyaan', 'Udaan', 'Samaan'). While Viewing chitta mandals, the baby which is flourishing in your uterus, in fourth month you talk to his soul." At that time, all the methods related to it, he gave her. Mother Kaushalya said, "Prabhu! Thanks." 

For fifteen days she knew this vital air learning in that Ashram. Because as a custom of ours vital-air-learning has been very popular. With the help of this learning, in the form of sickness, for destroying sickness, with vital air (Pran), Khechri-Mudra Pranayaam is done, if fire principle is more in body, that fire is put off by that pranaayaam. And if coldness is more, then with support of Surya-Pranayaam, Surya Pranayaam is done. When mother want to do pranayaam herself and wants to talk to the soul of embryo, then O children! Stay at a peaceful, solitary place and with the support of mind and praan, entering praan to udaan, udaan to samaan, while entering samaan to vyaan a mother can talk to the soul of his baby of uterus.

Next : Anxious Dashrath by the resignation of national food

Anubhav Sharma

Penance of Pregnant Kaushalya : DRK Part 34

National food resignation of Kaushalya

This was the rule of Kaushalya that she would do some work and that, which brought in replacement of that work, she used to take. She had determined that she did not want to take food of nation. Because after reaching this nation 'I can give birth to an uplifted child only when my mental nature will be active, diligent, laborious, great and pious and the nature of food will be high. Because food makes the nature of mind (Thinking power).' After some period Adhi Rishi performed Putreshti Yag. After the Putreshti Yag mother Kaushalya became pregnant. After pregnancy this was the rule of Kaushalya she used to do labour and by it which wealth came, she remained satisfied by that one.
When this notion came to Kaushalya's heart that 'I would like to give birth to that child who must be great then Mata Kaushalya would bring 'Somlata' from dense forests and would take it as food. She would make its paste in 'Anima'. While making the paste with mortar, her vein of heart named as 'Pureetat' which has contact with the baby of uterus, its waves moved to the 'Pureetat' vein of baby, and its contact while becomes with brain, the heart became impenetrable (agamya). That mother used to feel peculiarly herself. The baby in her heart used to get great holiness.

Next: Pregnant Kaushaly in the Ashram of Shringi

Anubhav Sharma

Putreshti Yag 6 : DRK Part 33

Rishi said, "O Divya! We do not need the offering of wealth. To us give the offering that now the nation is moving down and down. Idleness and inaccuracy is being strong. Raghu dynasty and the kingdom of king Raghu, eminent system of Dileep became a little bit low." Mother Kaushalya said, "Pujyapaad! Rishivar! Describe what ever you want."  He said, "Your uterus must born a baby who must pass his life in penance and resignation." Mother Kaushalya accepted it and said, "Bhagwan! I shall pass my life in penance. I shall not accept the food of nation." She determined it. That period is remembering to me how he determined and lived in her house.

Mata Kaushalya started collecting the food herself. To do some work she started. When she took that food, she got great waves in her brain.

Next : Penance of pregnant Kaushalya

Anubhav Sharma

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Putreshti Yag 5 : DRK Part - 32

This context of honorarium of ours is considered as custom. Since the beginning of universe till modern age, suppose it is a type of dance, to it we call honorarium. Honorarium is not wealth. Any type of fallacy of performer of Yajna (Yajmaan) or daughter uses to give to Acharya as offerings. When everything is finished, the yag is finished, their characters are made. At that time, for their offerings, all called Rishi. See the king gave wealthful offering of completeness with Rishi.

When turn of Kaushalya Mata came, she said, "O Prabhu! Whatever honorarium you accept from me, I shall give the same. Because relation of offering is with heart. And relation of heart is with faith. And relation of faith is with inner heart. When inner heart is met, the offering arise. O Prabhu! Faith of heart and offerings both are inter connected." "So O Devi! Amritaam bhuh." She said, "Prabhu! whatever offering you need from me, Please say." Maharishi of Angiras Gotra and Maharishi Shringi both are silent. But Devi adored their feet and said, "Prabhu! Please say from your mouth whatever you want as offering." They said, "If you can give offering, we may accept, what ever you want to give." She said, "Bhagwan! What you request from me, I shall give, Please order. Prabhu!" They said, "O Daughter! By which feeling we have completed the oblation material for alter, made the paste of herbs and have given to you, so we need it, there should be a baby from your uterus by whom the nation and society may be greater and holy." She said, "How is it possible?" Maharishi Shringi said, "O daughter! Once I would study at the place of Acharya, I could not memorize. My remembering power became less even in my childhood. Then my Acharya made a paste with some herbs and made a plaster of it and said, 'You use leaves of Google, Breeti and Mrichika trees, and by eating it glands of your brain will be clear. Your food must be pious.' When to me for food is said, I started eating that food. By boiling that in fire and water, I started drinking. As a fundamental filling the stomach and studying I started. When moved to the field to the study, the glands of intellect became starting clear and my life change to penance." Rishi said, "O Daughter! We need it, your uterus should give birth to a child, who may make the nation and society uplifted and no bad custom may remain in the world., Because the customs (Roodhis) of the name of god, may destroy the nation and society." When Rishi described like it, Kaushalya said, "Prabhu! The same I follow."

Next: Putreshti Yag 6: DRK 33, Penance of Pregnant Kaushalya: DRK 34

Anubhav Sharma

Monday, December 12, 2011

Putreshti Yag 4 : DRK Part - 31

Offering of the Yajna

When Putreshti Yag was performed at the place of Dashratha, a lot of gods (hermits/sages/rishis etc), prudent peoples came there. But when Yag was finished, after the end of Yag, the context of Honorarium occured there. The king according to his power offered cows and coins. But in the heart of Mother Kaushalya a desire arose that she also should give some cows as offerings to the Brahmins and prudents. When she started offering at that time Rishis said, "O Devi! We do not need coins from you." She asked, "O Maharaj! What do you need then?" They replied, "We need firm determination (sankalp). It seems to us that anarchy has been occurred now. It needs great persons to end this anarchy, lawlessness. Today we need great persons. A great person must be there here." Rishi Muni said, "O Devi! We need it, baby from your uterus should be like that whose splendour must be cool like moon and great and he must pour nectar. Who may uplift the nation. Today great persons should be protected."

Mata Kaushalya heared these statements and gave the honorarium. She started adore their thoughts and said, "O Prabhu! When I used to study in school, at that time too, my pujyapaad gurudev would teach me that human being must be independent in his life. A person gets glory by independence. So for being great, I would imagine my thoughts for  a very long period. Today I am imagining. But you are giving me inspiration. I will definitely adore that inspiration. If the time is made powerful, I shall definitely complete it.

To be continued....

Anubhav Sharma

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Putreshti Yag 3 : DRK Part - 30

I wrote several books related to this subject of Putreshti Yag. A single part of it had one thousands of pages each. In fact it is very vast a science. I could not get those books now. The statement was the three queens of Dashrath were cured. They made their stay as the floor observing celibacy for one year. Five parts of Peepal (Fig) and Eight parts (Ashtaang) were given to them. Adhudhut and sinvani, Anchaari, Nidhinashcha, Adhuroti, Swarnanu, Anaat - taking all these in equal quantity 'Somrus'(Liquid of immortality) was made. Giving it for forty days, uterus of mother became pious. So, by thinking on every herb, and then by curing, the Putreshti Yag was fininshed.

Putreshti Yag was performed at the place of Dashrath. Maharishi Vetti Angira Muni Maharaj were present in that Yag. Maharishi Shringi performed that yag with completeness. After finishing that yag as an introduction the Acharyas delivered the sermons, " 'Brahm Vracho Sambhavat Brahm Kritasa' O Rajan! You think yourself threaded in brahm (Supreme Power), because meaning of celibacy means thread himself to the god." By taking several oblation materials, with the help of Shringi Rishi, a paste is made, then Angira Muni gave that paste to the queens.

To be continued...
Next : Offering of the Yajna

Anubhav Sharma

Putreshti Yag 2 : DRK Part - 29

.....Continued (To get the Yag Performed having called Shringi Rishi

Putreshti Yag was performed at the place of King Dashrath and after bringing a medicine 'Gudakesham' and 'Sudhanketu' and 'Mareechika', making its paste in a motrar, and with cow butter and cow milk in the fire of alter when that in flame of oblation materials when 'Annaam Bhutam' boiled with rice, it becomes a medicine. When it was given to mothers, then impure glands of their uterus, when set free with diseases, became able to have the foetus made.

Firstly King Dashrath was cured. Why he became 'Akrit' (A man who is not able to get baby)? Because human being has nine holes. And all those doors have deities (gods). To purify those gods, there are even nine type of medicines in Ayurveda. These medicines must be known. One of our eye has 'Jamadagni', other has 'Vishwamitra'. Outer part of one ear has 'Bharadwaj', outer part of one nose has 'Ashwanikumar'. To purify them we will have to know those herbs. Because name of herbs are same as the names of its gods.

In Putreshti Yag there is a wood as 'Aak', a wood of 'Shamee', 'Jatamaasi', 'Trikaat', 'Chandan', 'Anubhoot Chandan' too.There is a tree named as 'Sombhuk', a wood as 'Anikrit'. Similarly approximately ten types of woods are there. Now it is arranged how to use these 'Samidha' in the Yag. As my lively god (supreme power) has made vagina of mother, alter must be made with the same shape. Similarly we need to know a lot. I have the suspicion a lot how should I know the world. Because Ayurveda is too vast a science, a lot of lives are used to know it. I got the luck to cure it. I made a row of those three queens. At that time I did not know how a daughter be. According to the principles of Ayurveda "Show me your Vagina till when I will not know the shape of Vagina, I will not be able to make the alter" This one became the subject of shyness. But Maharishi Vashshtha knew these subjects. After that those daughters showed me their Vaginas. A scholar of Ayurveda do not have any allegation(doshaaropan) for it. So I knew their vaginas. Three types of alters were made. In a particular alter three gestures were being made.

(A speech by Br. Krishna Dutt Ji in Trance)

To be continued....

Anubhav Sharma

Characters of Ramayana & Mahabharata

In modern age which literature is seen are corrupted in the periods of Buddhists and Jainis. Muslim-period in which Mohammad was taken as ideal, the characters were made fallen. Several comments were passed on them. Before Buddhists and Jainis there was a period of Vam Margis and those were reigning here. Their flag was fluttering here. To which eighteen Mythologies are called were made here then. Our ancient literature, deep and brief methods of our Rishis and Munis, customs of Kings, after leaving them, Vam Margis started the customs of eating meat and giving offerings of meat in Yajna. Suppose in Gaumedh Yag, giving offering of the meat of cow, giving offerings of meat of goat in Ajamedh Yag, giving offerings of meat of horse in Ashwamedh Yag and giving offerings of meat of Man in Dev Yag; This type of customs started in which, for eating meat, for the sake of tongue-pleasure, to corrupt the religion and human beings, this was performed. When today I move towards the field of Vam Marg a fallacy is occurred. There were very highly learned scholars here. But because of greed of money they moved towards bad customs. They destroyed the characters of Ram's literature and made false the characters of Mahabhaarat too. 
Of the period of Mahabharat peculiar incidents related to Draupadi, Pitamah Bhishm, Gandhaari, Pandav-sons and Dhritrashtra-sons were accustomed. Impurities were mingled to these characters. Approximately four thousands years ago since today there was a Brahmin named as 'Chetaang' and other 'Ramashanker', Jain society as well as Buddha society gave them wealth to corrupt the characters of our literature. Characters of Mahaabharata were made corrupted by them. 
In the same period there was a Brahmin 'Renketu' and another 'Swati' these two made the characters of Ramayana corrupted. Similarly on different diffeerent occasions by several other projects the literature was attempted to be corrupt.

(Br. Krishna Dutt Ji in Trance, Shringi Rishi soul of Treta Yug, 27 Oct. 1973)

Read This Post in Hindi

Next: Period of Bad-Customs, Attack on Culture, Vedas  By the Progress of Germany

Anubhav Sharma

Friday, December 9, 2011

Make Literature and Character Pious

O Brahmins! come. Make your organs pure. If Brahmins of recent period make their organs pure, the literature may become pure else the literature as well as Aryanism (Aryatva) of which society is being down and down (fallen), what is at the door of that one? At the time of Mahabhaarata, after the time of Pareekshit, this ignorance took place. That Vam Marg came in which all were keen to destroy religion and Vedicism (Vedic ta). The time was fallen till too much extent that the translators of Vedas had the fault of eating meat. Where the Vedas has no hymn, no word of where the nature of eating meat of human being is made. 
Where Ayurveda is concerned, that is different matter. Now we have to think, we should think the cause by which customs, our literature's characters have been made impure. By taking those impure characters, modern critics, after destroying literature, getting their designations. When characters of literature become unholy, the ignorant people become critics. They moving in infidelity (atheism), seeing the characters in corruption, get the degrees (designations). At present we have to bring their pure forms. We should always attempt to bring the pure formed genius.

Read This post in Hindi

Next: Characters of Ramayana and Mahabharata  (Who made them corrupt?)

Anubhav Sharma

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Maharishi Dayanand Part-4

....Continued (Maharishi Dayanand)

When I start memorising the life of Mahaatma Dayanand, his way of thinking, his celebacy, his penance start memorising, my heart becomes full of pleasure and it seems to me how that great person was full of greatness. He tried to make the real revolution. As a result of it where this nation was below other nations they left it. This one is the result of the revolution of the great persons.

Acharya Dayanand has said that there is no loss of any kind, to accept the truth. Actually there are some persons, followers of him who have not accepted the truth. When they do not accept the truth, then his statements or the rules of him, they have started declining. To accept the accurate as accurate must not need any objection. There are a lot of tasks which are beyond our intellect. Those are not the subject of our intellect. At present make researches, fancy the tasks of beyond your intellect. Perform Yoga, move your soul in front of the God (Supreme Power). By getting that Yoga, make yourself known to the world.

Next: Make your Literature and Character Pious, Characters of Ramayana and Mahabharata

Anubhav Sharma

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati Part -3

Continued.... Maharishi Dayananad

What a great efforts Dayanand made in his life but the contractors of religion made efforts to kill him by giving him poison. But he was a great dignity, he could not become fused with wealth. As in the life of Krishna there was no mingling with wealth, in the life of Mahaatma Dayanand there was no mingling of bad customs. Customs of goodwill remained safe. Because Rishism and scholasticism has been whose own authority since childhood that one can make the world a little uplifted. I (Mahanand Ji) remember that the soul of Mahaatma Dayanand had high thoughts mingled with scholastic approach since many births. Having reached here he called the Yavans with loud voice and to the leaders of west he pronounced with loud voice. Peoples of his nation were asked, "Where are you going? Make your own society today. Make a medium of your development. Because of cast system, this brahminism (Brahmin Vaad) is accustomed; Destroy this cast system which was made after Mahabharata. Because of being Yogic wisdom with him, as sun is full of light, his life is enlightened in the hearts of peoples. and definitely it will be in future. How much respect I continued to have, it knows my heart. His great soul was mingled how much with charm, purity, humanism and Rishism; he disclosed the principles since Adi Brhma till Jaimini Muni. His heart had the key of those principles. His heart used to call, "Accept, follow Vedas." The society tried to accept it. The revolution too came. His great actions made an effort too. But in modern age his followers are leaded by arguments and criticism. Where conversation must be done they became critic. Where casticism was to be destroyed, they are skillful in casticism. Where the doctrine of Dayanand says this one is told by Manu's doctrine too, that casticism must not exist. What is casticism? Humanism must be here. How is it possible for the non existence of casticism? Where here will be Brahmins and of which type? They must be full of penance and devotee. These types of Brahmins, moving to upper society of every house, should say, "You will have to change yourself at present, if not then a great revolution is to be arisen near human beings. Followers of Dayanand accepted argumentism. They left his Yogic statements. So the soul of Dayanand too is being perplexed in the space for what their followers doing? The holy soul of Shankaracharya too is being perplexed.

(12 March, 1962; Sermons of Pujyapaad Br. Krishna dutt ji in trance)

To be continued....

Next: IVth part of Maharishi Dayanand

Anubhav Sharma

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Maharishi Dayanand Part - 2

....Continued (Maharishi Dayanand)

Bhagwan! In modern age he has got the designation of Maharishi. Because in modern age, too much great person when comes, returns back after giving something to the world. In the principle of Acharya Dayanand there exists a very high statement to which everyone should accept. See this learning of Vedas a little bit disappeared. Some collections (codes) could not be found out. These are not dictated. This is supposed a little that Acharya Dayananand has fixed books of all four Vedas. But when all the collections (samhitaas) were not available. It was not possible to dictate all codes of Vedas by that helpless. Whatever knowledge he had dictated, as Guruji (Br. Krishn Dutt Ji) has the learning just like an ocean, similar his learning too was an ocean because he was a rishi 'Atuti' in his past birth. That one soul came here and took birth for benediction, welfare of the world.

O Gurudev! It was the age of Kalyug, the person who were follower of Eisa, who were reigning here, to them and with Yavans, he performed conferences. Bhagwan! his learning is spreaded and alive till now. But his followers are not understanding his learning well and sending him to darkness(ignorance). So O Bhagwan! This much is the description of world, this darkness is continued to move to the world.

Having reached here, the western persons when started reigning here, an Acharya named Dayanand came here. Mahaatma Dayanand spoke only one statement briefly, "Since Aadi Brahma, till Jaimini, whatever your culture was, when you all move to that much, in sense of culture, customs and principles, your nation will get the peace, you will become a great nationalist else your life will become defiled and destroyed similar to your recent position."

To be continued....

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Next : IIIrd Part of Maharishi Dayanand

Anubhav Sharma

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Maharishi Dayanand

Maharishi Dayananad

Bhagwan after that, even hundred years not passed yet, when an Acharya named as Dayanand born here. When he saw this word like it, what did he act? Gurudev! I do have experienced it that Maharishi Atuti (Maharishi Shameek Muni Maharaj) of Dwapar Age took birth in the form of Maharishi Dayanand. The world was continued to be down and down. He left the prosperity of his parents. As Shankaracharya followed and considered the statements of ancient great Rishis and scholars, Dayanand delivered the knowledge in the world. He reached in front of several idolaters, made conference and defeated them. As Shankaracharya bore a lot of problems and faced several ill incidents, Dayanand too faced the same. Because of being a Rishi from his pre-birth, to uplift the world, to follow the rules of the god, he came here in this Bhaarat(India). While wandering on several mountains and hills he searched the learning of Vedas. Where ever he found the Vedic Learning, taking that he delivered it. He observed the statements of Shastras (scriptures) to which our Jaimini Muni, Guru Brahma etc. observed. Similar to the doctrine and philosophy of Shankaracharya, observing the same he re-delivered it. The human beings who could not understand, let them not understand. But he is considered as a very high scholar of the learning of Vedas.

To be continued....

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Next : IInd Part of Maharishi Dayanand

Anubhav Sharma

Friday, December 2, 2011

Mahaatma Nanak

Mahaatma Nanak

What a great statement Mahaatma Nanak pronounced! If a spot of blood drops on a cloth then  how much the action of the water for its cure? With the help of several tricks it is not possible to remove it. Now when it flows inside heart or sub conscience of a human, is it not true that blood will mark the heart as well as sub conscience? He too may be destroyed in a particular time.

Mahaatma Nanak made the human resources uplifted. He gave an echo to his dear pupils to protect religion. "Either your hairs leave you or don't leave, religion must be protected. At present I am giving you the  education of protecting religion." Mahaatma Nanak's followers protected the religion. When the body of brave Banda Bairagi was being snatched by Yavans, he was being pleased and why it was so? Because he was completing the orders of Mahaatma Nanak that he was destroying his body for the sake of religion. So he had no anxiety and sorrow. Hey! This was the great significance of those sages. We should follow their path so that our humanism will be grand. And our life may be uplifted.

Today I am not here to express specific monologues. Only, I am here to pronounce to Gurudev that there were several scholars born here. See Mahaatma (Guru) Govind Singh were born here whose ideals was very high. Both of his sons were buried alive in a wall by Yavans. What will be there with the modern nations who are running too much with selfishness. Surely there shall be a time when it shall work as poison for you. What is this selfishness?  You have gained the nature of killing and destroying others. Separate this feeling from your heart.

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Next : Maharishi Dayananda

Anubhav Sharma
