ॐ हिरण्यमयेनपात्रेण सतस्यापिहितम् मुखम्|
योऽसावादित्ये पुरुषः सोअसावहं ॐ खम् ब्रह्म ||यजुर्वेद||40||17
Om Hiranyamayen Patren Satyasyapihitam Mukham
Om Hiranyamayen Patren Satyasyapihitam Mukham
Yoasavaditye Purushah Soasavaham.
Om Khambrahm.||Yajurved||40||17

In this world for any kind of
action there are two aspects-
1. Tendency
2. Accomplishment
Tendency of any kind of deed
gives pleasure as well as sorrow on every new step. Similarly accomplishment or
becoming away from the goal gives sorrow in place of pleasure of tendency and
pleasure in place of sorrow of tendency. So we came to know that pleasure and
sorrow both are must in this world so leaving this matter of sorrow and
pleasure we should choose our goal and should become busy in our tendency route
of our target.
Mother nature has three types
of properties-
1. Sat - Knowledge
2, Raj - Action,
3. Tam - Ignorance, Stay
So while finding our goal, we
must have Sat property in us. This one property we get by simple food and
herbal medicines. We should know that Raj is superior to Tam and Sat is
superior to Raj. So we should try to get upper one to improve us. Actually what
we ask from mother nature we get. If we ask for blood and flesh the mother
earth gives us so. If we ask for Sat food the mother earth gives us so. Mother
earth respects the wise by these types of food. So to get our target we need to
ask for Sat food from her.
If we are pure, innocent, honest and true to our actions the success is near us. Nothing is impossible to this kind of person.
If we are pure, innocent, honest and true to our actions the success is near us. Nothing is impossible to this kind of person.
Bhavanand Arya 'Anubhav'
Thanx Vinay for Complement.