
Friday, July 6, 2018

Some New Thoughts

Life is like cotton. Don't make it heavier by dipping in water of sorrow. Make it lighter by blowing in the wind of Joy. Enjoy every moment of life.

An arrow can be shot only by pulling it backward on the bow. So whenever life pulls it back. Don't worry. Its going to lead you forward to Victory.


Brahmchri Anubhav Sharma

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Existence of Heaven and Hell

The Sandhya(prayer at dawn and dusk) preached by the Ancient Brahma to his pupils has 21 hymns that makes a man more pious and makes him the god. The same prayer is given in Sanskar Vidhi, a book written by Swami Dayanand Saraswati in the form of Brahma Yagya. The following hymn is given in it -

ॐ भूः। ॐ भुवः।  ॐ स्वः।  ॐ महः।  ॐ जनः।  ॐ तपः।  ॐ सत्यम्। 

In this hymn seven types of Heavens are declared as Bhuh, Bhuvah, Swah, Mahah, Janah, Tapah and Satyam planets. These seven planets are seven Heavens. The Earth is called Bhuh planet. So it is proved that the earth is the Heaven of first place from seven Heavens. Similarly to its superior there are six more heavens. The Heaven is the place where the sorrow is very less and pleasure and happiness is in excess.

Just like these seven Heavens there are seven Hells below Bhuh Planet or the Earth - Atal, Vital, Rasaatal and Kumbhipaak etc. There is very less light of knowledge and light of sun here as well. That is why in these planets sorrow is found in access. We can think when the nature, weapons or instruments of Science, all thinks made by human, human behavior, society, planets and stars etc are considered, and with it worldly sorrow and pleasures etc when give us anxiety, sorrow, it is because of only lack of true knowledge. If a human being has the true knowledge about everything, natural disasters, family incidents as well as social incidents on which he/she has no control,  will not give him/her any sorrow or problem. 

Means where the light of knowledge is lesser, problems, fiction, sorrow is more and more. Kumbhipaak hell is the most sorrowful Hell. Where family incident, natural incidents and social incidents all are not bearable. And in lack of true knowledge the incidents become more unbearable.

In 40th Chapter in Yajurveda, there is a hymn that is preached by the supreme power himself that say -

ॐ अन्धन्तमः प्रविशन्ति येSविद्या मुपासते .... ।

Means the persons enters to the darker planets (Hell) to take birth after death from here, who ignores the knowledge and who acts for only Avidya (Ignorance, Action and devotion is called Avidya because in it there is no special need of knowledge). Here in this Hymn an existence of Hell is indicated.

In the same hymn it is said forth who ignores Avidya and have faith in only knowledge (book worm) enters to more dark planets of knowledge and sun light. Means they, after death from the earth, moves to more low Hell than the above.

But there is only one method of saving us from the Hell as in Yajurveda in just next hymn the god himself said - After understanding well Knowledge, Action as well as Devotion well, we can win death by Action and Devotion and we move to Salvation with the help of the Knowledge.

Read this Post in Hindi


Brahmchari Anubhav Sharma

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Some Brief Facts about Mughals

In the period of Mahabharat the persons who were there in favour of Kauravas or their followers were called Kuruvanshi Aryans. Son of Grandson of Arjuna, Janmejay left Aryavart (India) because of the murder of a Brahmin that took place in Sarvaang Yaga performed by him, and he went to the west and initialized a new country Junmany. In further age it became Germany. Through this act, some Aryans went to Germany from India that is why resident people of Germany call them Aryans. 

In the age of Jainis, before approximately 2400 years ago, text of our original Ramayana and Mahabharata books were rewritten/changed by Sanskrit scholars - Swati, Renketu, Ramashankar and Chetang in the greed of money. The act was guided by Jaini Kings In which the characters of Ramayana and Mahabharata were made faulty so that, after observing characters faulty, Hindus might accept Jainism or Buddhiusm. And they got success in it too.

Mohammad took birth in a branch of Kuruvanshi Aryans. He married to a widow of age more than him and he attained her place of society and the prosperity she had. Having took birth in a lower, poor family, he saw the dream of being emperor of the whole world. It was to be completed. Making a book he hid it to a hollow of a tree named as 'Aaswati'. After some time, one day, after awaking, he said to his friends and relatives that "The god has come to my dream and said that cut down that particular tree where I have given you a library." They acted the same. When the tree was destroyed, the same book was there in it. All those persons considered it the book of the God himself. And the feelings and the thoughts of Mohammad came to the society. He collected an army and after winning the reigns of his areas, he tried an attempt to win India too. Chief Minister of the King Bhoj, Kali murdered him in the battle that took place. Having desire of winning other countries with the feeling of tamogun (making illiterate, non scholar and poor persons slave of their own desires) or rajogun (making discipline, eating and drinking from other places, Bhog)  is not a good idea. But satogun (to save and protect others) is a good idea. 

The main demerit of of Muslims is that they can not gain ever in the field of spirituality. The person who has taken meat as food once or more is not able to gain in the filed of spirituality ever in his life. There is two type of sciences in the world - Material Science (Science) and Spiritual Science (Aadhyatm). Through material science machines, spares and parts, buildings and all other mediums of prosperity and wealth are gained. While Spiritual science is the science of Sense and working organs, Mind (Thinking power of brain), Mind (Decision making power of the brain), Chitt (sub conscious), Soul and the god. If any human being makes an effort for 50 years in the filed of Material science than the gain of him will be attained through spiritual science within 2 years. Spiritual science is 25 times superior to the Science. Means if a person want to get quick development, he should hold spiritual science with material science, it is very necessary thing.

Ok, When mughals entered to India for the sake of making victory on it, they did not came with their wives. They sneezed sisters, mothers of India forcefully for the purpose. If that ill treating and misconduct is imagined, our hearts thrill. But it is the Time, it came and those misconducting persons  ended at last. If those Yavans had not had misconduct with them, their rule might not have ended here. In fact, I am not requesting  badly with hatred, but as I think, it is my duty to re inform the Hindu sisters of India and I am giving them message not to accept their husband form Muslims. Before it they should think their misconduct, ill policy, way of eating, nature and the book in which they have blind faith and consider it the proof. They must not become a part of Love - Jihaad.  

In real, the pious relation of Marriage, must be there only when virtues, acts and nature matches and spiritual knowledge, science too must match a little if not the whole. The parents gives their daughter to the uplifted, higher family to their own as said in Smritis, Neethis of Hindus, then how it is good to give the daughter to the lowest Yavans, they must stop it and the daughters must also have it in mind while select their husbands. 

At that time, what misconduct, misbehavior the mughals perfoed, I am not telling those hatred words here, but I say the humanity was completely destroyed by them at that time, I want to introduce you. To which book they followed, the modern mughals too follow them likewise; who are filled with misconduct (bad policy), not piousness, bad behavior and they are skillful in snatching the things of others like cat. In that book, the story of behaving to non muslims, if I say is misconducting, as I have read it myself. If any one has any doubt in my words he/she may read himself/herself from Quran. The matter will be clear to them too.

So O Brothers! Sisters! Come back to Vedas! Study Satyarth Prakash, Bhagwat Geeta, Vedas and Upnishads, Chant Gayatri Mala, Chant Om on Mala, Perform Yoga and Know your Soul (Conscious). When you will become aware about your soul, You will believe in past and future births for the souls, Hell and Heaven, and in the rules of the God, Supreme Power.

Strength, Grace, Wealth, Prosperity, Wife, children etc you get, altogether you must enter to the spiritual science a little if not more or whole. And then uplift your society, religion, family, village, town, city and area too.

Anubhav Sharma

Friday, February 16, 2018

Punishment Given by Lord Shri Ram


A Punishment Given by Lord Shri Ram (Message to The Prime Minister)

This example is given for the convenience of our Contemporary Respectable Prime Minister and Legal Authorities that no convict must be pardoned with out giving a just and accurate punishment for the sin. A convict must be punished at all.

Tamoguni Penance

So, it is said that the life of Lord Rama was very lovely and broad. But when I see the modern Nation and parents, my conscious wonders. It is coming to my memory, as in the times of Lord Rama a Saint started doing penance and the penance was Tamoguni (a thing that was performed to worry someone or to make violence against for anyone). He was performing the penance to terror, worry some one. Lord Ram destroyed his body with his sharp arrows. He attacked on him with his sharp weapons. See, It spread confusion, unsafe thoughts, in sages, how it happened. They come near to Ram. He said that in a king's reign where persons who terrify, violate others, lives or penance is lost or sages are destroyed, in the nation of that King... So Lord Rama, see, sentenced him to death, gave him punishment. 

So the result of our thoughts, not saying anything special, because adorable Gurudev know it everything, I was discussing about the Nations of Modern ages. Se where there are persons resides who terrify, violate others, lives, how the nation may be stable or long liven. Where there is violence for the sake of the God, See Occasionally, See, it is said the duty of the king, and it is the base Vedic principle of us, for the protection of peoples of the nation, the convict must be punished. And see, through this action, the king should protect the grace, purity, piousness of the scholars, good persons.

From the sermons, in trance, of Brahmchari Krishna Dutt Ji Maharaj (Shringi Rishi Soul)
Book : Treta Kaleen Vigyaan
Page : 53
Vaidic Anusandhaan Samiti (Regd.), Delhi


Brahmchari Anubhav Sharma

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


The God Head Soul, Supreme Power has ordered the human being in Vedas to perform actions to whichever gender he/she may belong. Because of occurrence of continuous actions, the world is moving not stop. On which day the action will be removed from the world it will almost get an end, is to be considered. It is said in 2nd Hymn of 40th Chapter of Yajurveda- "कुर्वन्नेवेह कर्माणि जिजीविषेच्छथ" - "Kurvanneveh karmaani Jijivishechchhath" means "Wish to live hundred years doing actions". We must not have a desire to live free or Lazily. 

Lord Krishna in 'Bhagwat Geeta' has said that Actions are of the following types-

1. Karm 2. Akarm 3. Vikarm

1. Satoguni Karma 2. Rajoguni Karma 3. Tamoguni Karma

Karm- Doing actions with the desire of its fruit is called Karma.

Akarm- Doing actions without desiring its fruit means Nishkaam Karma is called Akarm.

Vikarm- Doing Sins or Bad actions are called Vikarm.

Satoguni Karma- Actions of benevolence etc. that are like poison in the beginning but like nectar when its fruits come.

Rajoguni Karma- Actions that gives enjoy of Sense organs in the beginning but when its fruits comes is like poison as a result.

Tamoguni Karma- The actions that are performed after violence of others or that gives sorrow and grief to other living organisms are called Tamoguni Karma.

A little Akarm (Nishkaam Karma) takes us away from all fears and griefs so the Nishkaam karma of Geeta is the great action.

So Akarm (Actions that do not have any desire of fruit at last, Nishkaam Karma) is the superb and great. And in actual Satoguni Karma (Actions of benevolence etc.) are called Dharma (Religion) in fact.



Brahmchari Anubhav Sharma
