
Thursday, April 17, 2014

To Find The Target

ॐ हिरण्यमयेनपात्रेण  सतस्यापिहितम् मुखम्|
योऽसावादित्ये पुरुषः सोअसावहं ॐ खम् ब्रह्म ||यजुर्वेद||40||17 
Om Hiranyamayen Patren Satyasyapihitam Mukham
Yoasavaditye Purushah Soasavaham. Om Khambrahm.||Yajurved||40||17

The mouth of truth, reality is covered with golden membrane. To the arrow of ascetic mind, with the bow of adoring soul, putting on the thread of Vital Air, O Dear! Find the target and entangle the cover to find the truth. We know that mind is the medium of knowledge, vital air is the medium of doing attempt. We should entangle our goal by our full strength and to entangle the goal it is necessary to become ascetic. The goal has the greed improving gold as to mislead the shooter.

In this world for any kind of action there are two aspects-
1.   Tendency
2.   Accomplishment

Tendency of any kind of deed gives pleasure as well as sorrow on every new step. Similarly accomplishment or becoming away from the goal gives sorrow in place of pleasure of tendency and pleasure in place of sorrow of tendency. So we came to know that pleasure and sorrow both are must in this world so leaving this matter of sorrow and pleasure we should choose our goal and should become busy in our tendency route of our target.

Mother nature has three types of properties-

1. Sat        -        Knowledge
2, Raj        -        Action, Discipline
3. Tam       -        Ignorance, Stay

So while finding our goal, we must have Sat property in us. This one property we get by simple food and herbal medicines. We should know that Raj is superior to Tam and Sat is superior to Raj. So we should try to get upper one to improve us. Actually what we ask from mother nature we get. If we ask for blood and flesh the mother earth gives us so. If we ask for Sat food the mother earth gives us so. Mother earth respects the wise by these types of food. So to get our target we need to ask for Sat food from her.

If we are pure, innocent, honest and true to our actions the success is near us. Nothing is impossible to this kind of person.

Bhavanand Arya 'Anubhav'

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Angad and Jamvant

Specialist of Vital Air Learning: Angad

Hanuman was perfect in vital air learning but this one learning reached to Bali’s son, Angad. Ram said to Angad, “O Angad! Go to Ravan, there may be a little bit conciliation, his thoughts as well as ours may be united, Go and give him education.
When Angad reached to the assembly of Ravana, several scientists too were present there, King Ravan as well as all sons of him were present there. Ravan said, “Your welcome. How did you come here.”

Angad replied, “Prabhu! I came so that you as well as Ram may become united in thoughts. Here spreading of Vedic culture has an error. I came here to condemn that error. To establish character is the duty of a king. Your nation has become characterless. Your nation does not seem uplifted so I have come here today.”

Ravan said, “This one thought of yours is accurate but tell me what the lack is there in my nation?”

Now Angad said, “Your nation has a lack of character. When nation of a king does not has character, the culture starts disappearing. Culture must not be destroyed. The culture is to be uplifted. The culture says this one that character, behavior must be good, should be high. Daughters of all must be protected. This one is the method of nation of a king.”

Ravan asked, “IS there my nation has no science?”

Angad said, “O Ravan! Your nation does have science even but what will be there of science, some one is traveling to Mars but what will be there of Mars flight when there are blasts in your nation. O Ravan! You are traveling Sun. What will be there of that Sun flight when a daughter is not safe in your nation, What will be there of your nation?”

Ravan exclaimed, “What this you are muttering? You have left the custom of your father.”

Angad replied, “No. I have come here so that your nation and Ayodhya may become united.”

At this Ravan became silent. Narayantak said, “Bhagwan! It must be discussed, he is a messanger, what he says.

Angad said, “If you unite your thoughts with Ram, Ram will move back taking mother Sita.”

Ravan said, “What it are you pronouncing. I am not reckless.”

Angad spoke, “This one is the recklessness in the world. To catch other’s daughters is a great recklessness. This one is your recklessness that you become another effeminate. A king who insults any female, gets blasts in his nation.”

Ravan said that he is speaking bitter.

Angad said that “I am fixing an act of vital air in front of you. If there is upliftment of character, this one is my leg. If you move this Yog for a little time even, I shall take Ram back Ayodhya leaving mother Sita here.” This one was his act of vital air. He took all vital airs to the foot and by joining Udaan, Vyaan and Apaan with Nag, when all four joined and Pran also got its place, his body became expanded, his foot became expanded. There was no one strong in that royal assembly who might move away his foot for even a single bit of time. When Angad’s foot did not move for a single fraction, at that time Ravan himself arose, when he came to him, he said himself, “He is the king and it is not good to the foot be touched by a king.” He took back his foot and said, “O Ravan! It is useless to touch my feet. If you touch the feet of Ram, you may get welfare. Your thoughts will be united.”

Ravan moved back to his pace. Narayantak said, “O father! Whose army has specialists of Vital air learning like it we can’t win this one army. We know to take the vital air with science, but these one know to take their vital air to veins. Who know to take pranas to veins, O father, no one of the world may win that army.”

Scientist :  King Jamvant

Jamvant is called as a bear in modern age but he was a scientist. On the beach of ocean he used to construct a raised plateform by which plateform he fixed the machines in ocean so that he might know the substances of ocean. His machines were best. He made more machines too. He was a king. King Ravan had seized the reign of all these. Jamvant helped Ram in the battle. He donated Ram a machine that gobbled up poisonous atoms itself.

Bhavanand Arya ‘Anubhav’

Saturday, April 12, 2014

King Ravan

Ruling Kings of Lanka

Before king Ravan Maharaja Kubair was the king of Lanka, before Kubair it was Maharaja Mahidant, before Mahidant it was Maharaja Shiva. System of ruling was there before a lot time. When Ravan became king, the whole reign of King Raghu, Ravan seized. King Dashrath had a little reign of Ayodhya.

Ravan from Varun

Mandodari, daughter of Maharaj Mahidant was married with Maharaja Ravan. Name of Ravan’s childhood was Varun Because of being Brahmin and scholar of Vedas, kings helped him and after defeating Kubair he was made the king of Lanka. When Varun was elected as king of Lanka, all scholars together named himRavan. Ravan is called to a great charitable. According to grammar and meemansa Ravan is called to a wise and scientist. This is not an abuse. According to grammar and human society a great charitable is called Ravan.


In modern age, it is said, Ravan had ten heads. When Ram would cut them, the new one would appear. This is only a slander. Why Ravan is called Dashanan? Anan is the name of directions and these are – East, West, North and South, four directions of corners, upwards and downwards. These one are ten directions. Kind Ravan knew the whole science of these tens. He was Brahmin and great wise.

Nectar Well in Naval

Brahmchari Varun was courteous, recitor of Vedas, great scientist and was a great wise. His soul was pious. His heart became generous. With the help of theory of Ayurved, Varun knew the whole nerve science. Naval Chakra within human body has group of approximately two crores of veins. There is a vein named as Sushumna that starts from brain which meet to former part of Naval Chakra. The person who is of good thinking, who meditate for the supreme power and knows the naval, that knows several sciences by the science of nerve. A vein named Sudhit which is known as Bodhit too, that starts from Brahm hole, connects to naval. When there becomes full moon day and it matures with the all faces, the relation of Sudhit, through brain becomes with the moon. The light that it get by moon, the vein takes up.

Persons who know the science of nerves, know how the nectar is received from moon by Yoga. Likewise the nectar is matured and is collected to the place between the veins of naval. So what is the specialty in it? The life of human becomes strong by it and he moves beyond death. To him it clears up that his death will become after how much many years. His age becomes more because that happiness providing nectar is there in naval. So this one is called the nectar well in naval.


King Ravan got education of science from Maharishi Bharadwaj, Maharishi Sombhuk and Brahma Ji. Shiv Ji too was his teacher.

Bhavanand Arya

Friday, April 4, 2014

Yogi, Scientist and Valiant : Hanuman

King Hanuman used to study on contraction so his contracting power had become very strong. I remember that in the age of Treta, according  to the contracting power, he used to perform research  to contract and expand his body. These movements of contraction are observed by Yoga practice. A man wonders having known to contraction act.

Hanuman was a great yogi, a great celibacy observer, a great critic, reasoning and minister of Maharaja Ram. He observed the great science of Sun, he observed every bit of that science. That science was on tongue to him. So it is apt to say Hanuman Ji gobbled up great virtues and science of Sun not the Sun. Hanuman covered up the ocean with the help of Yogic acts.

Maharaja Hanuman knew to join Udaan Praan, to Kurm and Krikal. By which method this body is made enlarged and minor (contracted). The nature has five types of motions - Contraction, expanding, Upward, downward and Movement. The yogi who knows these five may make his body enlarged and can make it contracted by contraction. Hanuman entered to the mouth of Sursa by contraction.

Hanuman Ji was a great scholar of learning of Sun. Once Ram asked Hanuman that 'I want to know how the sickness is cured by the rays of Sun? Hanuman said, 'The Sun has thousands of rays but main rays are only seven. Different types of colors such as white, green, red etc. the rays have. These five great elements are working in human body. When a man becomes sick, the flow of any element from these becomes less then. Which element become less in body, that one type of ray is used then. That ray makes effect on the sick limb and the sickness ends.

Man of Diplomacy

After winning  Lanka Vibhishan came to Ram and said, "O Bhagwan! You will go from here now. You will go from here now. You made a great kindness to me. Now take the food here in my kingdom. I came to invite you. Ram had wished it that we shall take but see! When Hanuman Ji went among them, he told we shall think on it. When said it, Ram did not pronounce his sentences further. In lonely place Ram told, "Why upi did it so?" He told, "Bhagwan! It is nationality. Do not accept it. Vibhishan will remain our friend. His master, the king of Lanka, Ravana is killed. The family is killed so Bhagwan! You should not accept this invitation. Ram accepted this sentence of him. Ram said, "O Laxman! Hanuman Ji is very wise, he is very skilful. So Vibhishan Ji came to Lanka and Ram came to his Ayodhya. Within the year, it is remembered to me, that he made him his chief minister. He distributed every type of designation to him.
So what is the conversation! World of modern age is of so peculiar kind that the wisest like Hanuman,who could wander on beaches of oceans with machines, who might might move to Sun with rays of Sun, who might move to moon with with light of Moon, who used to get energy from there. That servant of the god is ornamented with the designation of an animal. What a great game, with the dignitaries is it!

Flight of Stars and Planets

When Maharaja Hanuman and Ganesh Ji both reached to the gate of Rishi, they told to Rishi, only this one, "Maharaj! We want to become Yogi. We want to make research on learning of Sun." Maharaja Ganesh Ji and Hanuman Ji made a machine named 'Paduka' It was the virtue of that machine that they made vital air strength in it. He started his flight on earth and while moved forth they reached Mars when moving there scientists of Mars tried to owner this machine. Thence there lived a scientist named Swettaam Vriheenik in Mars. He wished to own that machine there and with a machine he attacked. so Hanuman Ji and Ganesh Ji both disappeared with the machine. Taking the machine they returned to Earth.
They having sat in the machine used to walk in 72 planets. Which type of description I may perform about those dignitaries who made research of their lives and tried to know scientific facts. I, many times described while saying 'Hanuman Ji never died.' Splendor of Hanumanji's body used to be so peculiar. Maharaja Ganesh Ji has made a machine named 'Chunget'. When he sat in the machine it used to revolve around this earth, to revolve round Mars and with the rays of Sun it would enter into the Sun.

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Bhavanand Arya 'Anubhav'
