
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sandhya(Prayers at dawn or dusk)

According to Vedas, our rishis have said that we should pray to god at the time of dawn and dusk regularly. Prayers are offered twice a day.
Actually every hymn of Vedas has a lot of meanings as said by Aadi Guru Brahma. But as we search in the translation of vedas by Swami Dayanand Saraswati, we get only one meaning for a hymn generally. Although meanings are found in two senses spiritual and materialistic for many hymns. Actually for understanding well, the meanings of vedic hymns, a very great guru is needed. Now-a-days such types of gurus are not available in this world. Although by deep search, some one hidden, may be found out.
Now I shall explain you hymns of  of vedic Sandhya(prayers). At present I am taking the following hymns which are related to the creation of this Universe-
Om ritancha satyanchabhi dhattapaso adhyajayata tato ratrajayata tatah samudro arnavah.
The god, by using a bit of his infinite capacity, constructed the present working Universe from the initial nature particles. And with his own common nature(property), he made source of water, the oceans.
Om samudra darnavadadhi samvatsaro ajayata ahoratrani vidadhadvishasya mishato vashee.
After creation of the ocean, he produced a motion so that day-night and twelve months of the year came to an existance.
Om surya chandramasau dhata yatha poorvamakalpayat divancha prithvim chantarikshamathau swah.
Similar to the previous existence of the Universe(previous Kalp), the god created the Sun, the Moon, stars and planets, Dyau(the whole space) and the earth etc.
Remaining parts of this sandhya will be published in parts in next posts respectively.
In this post I have introduced you about how this universe is made. These hymns are an important part of our vedic Sandhya in which we use to think about the beginning of the world regularly.

Anubhav Sharma
Read this post in Hindi.


  1. Aryans offered Prayers three Times a day -- TRikaal --- Morning at 4am -- 12 Pm and 4 Pm.many gurus are available now a days as well.

  2. Aryans? why do we still peddle this myth?

